
Monday, February 21, 2011

Last Saturday, Kara had cheerleading camp! They practiced all morning & performed a halftime routine at the high school girls basketball game. "Future Bravettes"! Kyley was her special helper. She had a super time. Jeff even found her a cheerleading book at the thrift store this week (with cheerleading moves & all). She asked me if I played cheerleading when I was in school to which I explained the sports I had played. She then told me that she could teach me some cheerleading things since she had been to camp and had a book. Hope I'll be a good student :)!
Collin and his Mom and big brother came over for pizza and swimming at the Summit. It was so much rowdy fun! He looked like such a little man - new haircut, lots of new words, and seemed taller than the new toddler at our house, Danielle. He was sweet checking our baby Chloe.

Sweet little "chats" with Chloe :)! She has the sweetest little smiles & often has lots to jabber about.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

The long awaited combination grand birthday & Christmas present has arrived and been assembled! Thank you to all the grandparents who helped make this dream come true :)! What a sweet lesson in waiting for something great she grasped through this. She knew she was getting it in December, but it was out of stock until last week! She would like you all to notice the elevator (her favorite part). Her brothers have even enjoyed playing with her. Of course, their favorite piece is the toilet :)! She also gained a new roommate as friends delivered a loaner baby crib for Chloe. In order to fit this grand dollhouse, Kara's doing the "day bed" thing with another God provision of a small mattress which slides under the crib during the day and slides out at night.