
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Busy days :)! Fun days :)! Over the last couple of weeks we've been getting ready for camp and seeing God do great things to provide us with a new and bigger vehicle!! A couple of weeks ago, our Subaru blew its head gasket (sp?) and required a new engine! Days prior to this I had been thinking how nice it would be to have a roomier car, but I knew we weren't really in a position to get something new. Friends of ours heard our plight and offered to give us their '99 Dodge Caravan instead of trading it in on the new car they were buying. We are SO blessed! When frustrations like car trouble arise, why do I even worry! The boys were so sweet and matter of fact as they prayed for God to provide to fix our car or give us a new one. They prayed and were off playing again! (Such confidence- child-like faith!!) We had fun this week washing our new van :)! We're off to camp for 2 weeks today - more pictures soon :)!!!

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