
Sunday, February 08, 2009

For a couple of weeks the boys had Mondays off. We enjoyed a morning at the church gym (GREAT exercise during the winters in Montana). Keith and Jacob had purchased some oversized rollerblades several months ago at the local thrift store. For Christmas, they found all the gear for Kara. Jacob and Kara have really gotten the hang of it :)! (Keith enjoyed playing ball and building "forts" with the pool noodles they have in the storage closet, instead) Simon "spent" his Christmas money on a new tricycle. The one we had handed down through all the kids had been a bit too well used. At this point, he has more fun pushing it and putting things inside it's storage box than attempting to ride it. (didn't help that a sibling tried helping a bit too energetically and caused him to have a small tumble) He'll have many more opportunities to learn, I'm sure!

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