
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday was the first day of school for Keith and Jacob. They were all set and have enjoyed getting into the groove of their new teachers. Kara had an open house to meet her teachers and will go Friday for her first full day (they alternate half the class every other day until September 3rd). Kim started school today and loved filling her binder with all her supplies and filling in her planner. The high school is just a block from Keith, Jacob, and Kara's, so she'll walk to the playground to meet them after school.
And girl prep for first day of school - TONS different than boy prep. Kim and Kara picked "pretty" outfits (Kara even wanted her Easter dress :), requested multiple french braids, organized all their things . . . Keith and Jacob threw on clothes, partly combed their new haircuts, ate breakfast (which spilled on one pair of shorts Mom had put out to wear which were then replaced by the athletic fare preferred by 9 yr old boys :) and headed out the door.
Oh, what fun!

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