
Friday, March 26, 2010

Keith and Jacob have worked hard all year (even on our trip) on their Awana books, learning tons of Bible verses. When we arrived back home, they jumped back into the fun at our church. With each section they complete, they earn "shares" which they can use to purchase treasures in the Awana store. This is a big thank you hug from Kara and Simon because Keith & Jacob chose to spend almost ALL their earnings on their younger siblings! It was like Christmas!!! The big bros were so overjoyed to give!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am SOOO thankful that I memorized lots of verses/passages in school and church. I lack the discipline to memorize now and end up only learning verses that mean lots to me...I'm inspired by Keith and Jacob to get back to work on hiding His Word in my heart! Thanks, guys!!!